Saturday, December 8, 2007

Communication with Your Angels:Raising The Vibrations

Now that we know Angels are everywhere; and they are with us as much as we think and feel, it's time to bump it up a notch. It's time to outwardly demonstrate to our Guardian Angels that we mean business. Every thought and intention must be followed up by an ACTION! if, it is to be realized.

Remember, that in the previous entry, I emphasized HONESTY. Or as my friend Scott would say, it's better to just be AUTHENTIC with yourself (and as much as possible with others). Now it's time to demonstrate through your behavior, that communication with your Guardian Angels is of importance to you, and you are willing to make changes to allow the 2-way radio of communication to take place.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Angels, Angels Everywhere

They are with us while we work, they are with us when we sleep. They are especially with us when we think and feel. You may say, but Shamalah-Allah, I think and feel all of the time! Well, then, your Angels are there with you always.
The first step in getting a 2-way radio signal with your Angels is to pay attention to what you ARE thinking and feeling. 

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Angels, Angels, Angels

Do Angels Exist?


At least I believe and know that they do. It is only a matter of learning how to speak and listen in their language. Angels communicate with pure thought, feeling and pictures, so it takes some time and patience.