Are You A Highly Sensitive Person?

About 8 months ago I discovered a new term for myself. It's called a HIGHLY SENSITIVE PERSON. It's not so spooky or stand-offish like the word Psychic or Witch or Voodoo Lady. And it doesn't sound so ethereal like Angel Communicator, Clairvoyant or Empathic. A Highly Sensitive Person or HSP for short is a nice practical descriptive word that definitely describes me and I think a lot of other people that I usually speak to. So I've decided to share the nuts and bolts of this new term (at least new to me).
This is a great post, Shamalah. There's so many HSPs like us out there, and life will be much better if we can just realize that being sensitive is simply who we are - and there's nothing wrong with it!
Hi Shamala,
HAPPY NEW YEAR! I just want to say thank you for your wisdom and wealth of information. You have definitely inspired me to blog:-)
Love & Light,
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