Monday, January 21, 2008

Psychic Attack

PSYCHIC ATTACK- "the transference of negative energy between two persons through the use of telepathic skills; the sender deliberately sends her or his feelings and thoughts of hate, jealousy, harm resentment, etc., their confused situation, their sickness, or their unpleasant circumstances; receiver feels uncomfortable, ill, or in a negative attitude and does not always understand that it is not of his or her own doing; easily transferable if there is a strong bond of love or hate between the two psychic persons and if one leaves their PSYCHIC DOORS open all of the time, or after a long encounter in which the two interacted, such as spending all day together...." (June G. Bletzer, PHd, The Encyclopedic Psychic Dictionary).


Anonymous said...

i have seen my friends wife regularly going through such psychic attacks and when she is in that state she tries to cut her hand and shout on off our my friends family members and one more thing which i dint understand is she predicts before some one is going to die in close relatives this is suprising for me i was just browsing and i saw your blog can u help me know more about this and so that i can help my friend give me more info and web links....

Shamalah-Allah said...

It sounds like your friend's wife is suffering from much more than psychic attack. It sounds like she has several discarnate spirits moving in and through her mind. She would need to go through a Spiritual Healing or Cleansing. Preferably with someone that is trusted. However, with something such as this, the wife would have to choose to want help for this. Does she even see it as a problem for herself?? That is quite difficult. I have worked with people that suffer from spirit attacks/possession however, the trick is the person suffering must be willing to want the help and follow exact direction.